The perfect work/life balance as an architect: A step-by-step guide

The enduring myth suggests that architects immerse themselves in endless hours of work, merging their life with their profession. And yes, creativity can consume your attention, especially when design is your passion.

From our experience in the architecture studio, we understand this unwavering dedication. And if you’re here, you might feel that work stress is overwhelming you. Being hyper-connected to work is a challenge, but it’s crucial to find the balance to keep the inspiration and joy in your craft. Here are some tips that will transform your routine:

  • 1. Embrace and Commit to an Organizational System: The key to balance lies in organization. With technology at hand, adopt digital agendas. An organized architect not only improves efficiency but also fully enjoys personal moments. We recommend using digital planners. Nowadays, everyone has a phone, and it’s easy to create reminders to stay organized. Remember, the architect who stays organized is the one who can fully enjoy time with loved ones and self-care.
  • 2. Diversify with Remote Work: There’s nothing wrong with working remotely on some days. To break away from the routine, working from a cafe or from home can help clear the mind and work efficiently. There are increasingly more places where you can grab a coffee and work without any issues. Working remotely can help architects manage their time better and avoid long commutes that eat into personal time. Doing so can result in greater productivity and job satisfaction. Remote work also gives the architect an opportunity to create a workspace that suits personal preferences. This can be very beneficial for mental health and well-being.
  • 3. Clear Goals for Grand Achievements: Patience and planning lead to excellence. Learn to set tangible goals and break them down into specific tasks. This technique not only prevents you from feeling overwhelmed but also boosts your satisfaction and motivation. It’s better to leave all-nighters before the deadline to your student years and learn to manage your own pace. Doing so is easier once you set clear and realistic goals. It’s a great way to enhance the reconciliation of an architect’s work and personal life. Ideally, architects should set a set of goals they wish to achieve and break them down into smaller, specific steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed. It’s worth trying to break work into small, clearly defined tasks and reward oneself for completing them. In this way, it’s much easier to stay motivated and have a sense of achievement, which can be a great help in maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
  • 4. The Power of Delegating: Not everything rests on you. Delegating tasks is another useful tip for achieving a balance between personal and work life. You can delegate some processes that are simple and routine. Rely on companies that provide architectural drawing or 3D visualization services. It’s an easy way to take a load off while knowing you’re backed by a team of professionals who make your life easier. This collaboration frees up your mind, allowing you to focus on your creative essence and gain valuable time.
  • 5. Healthy Lifestyle: Your health is the pillar of your success. You might think this doesn’t apply to you, or you’re okay with your current dynamics, but believe us, maintaining a healthy diet, exercising, taking active breaks, and even walking your dog, if you have one, is essential for mental and physical health. Overworking can have several detrimental health consequences. Take your time to walk, do some exercises — experts say 30 minutes is enough — eat healthily, a good diet maintains a strong and active brain. Lastly, we recommend taking active breaks; due to the high concentration required, we often don’t realize the number of hours we might spend in one position. Try to take active breaks every hour to stay healthy.
  • 6. Set Boundaries: Being able to set boundaries is also crucial to maintaining an architect’s work-life balance. There should be a clear division between work and personal life, and an architect should communicate this delicately but firmly to colleagues, clients, and family. This might include setting specific work hours, avoiding work-related communications outside working hours, and prioritizing personal life when necessary. Moreover, one needs to learn to say no. Even budding professionals should value their time, skills, and effort and avoid working for poorly paying clients. And if an architect is well-established in their field, they should definitely learn to choose their projects and reject engagements that don’t align with their priorities or would overload their workday. Saying no can significantly help architects avoid burnout and maintain overall balance.

In essence, the path to architectural mastery has its challenges. But with a focus on well-being and balance, you will not only shine in your profession but also passionately live every moment. Renew your vision and build the future you desire!

Desiree Moraes

Desiree Moraes

Architect and Co-Founder

As the creative director of Moar Architects, Desiree Moraes masterfully leads a team of architects and interior designers, transforming each client’s vision into extraordinary spaces that not only meet but exceed their dreams.